Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

Everyone, regardless of level of skill or learning objectives. Our diverse Teaching Artists roster is here to guide you, set achievable goals and celebrate milestones. If you play an in instrument, sing, or want to learn conducting or composing - IDAGIO Academy is for you.

There are hundreds of goals behind the desire to make music: creating a personal connection with audiences, improving motor skills, honoring a grandparent’s wishes, wanting to impress a date, or simply wishing to get closer to the music you love. IDAGIO Academy was designed to enable each and every one. Even if you’re a complete beginner - it is never too late to make your dreams a reality.

Use Chrome or Firefox browsers on desktop or laptop computers or Safari on any iOS devices

We recommend a minimum dedicated 350kb/s down per downloaded stream, as well as 350kb/s up per uploaded stream to maintain a stable video connection.

Any laptop or desktop that is less than 5 years old should be fine and all phones and tablets will give full access. Our bespoke conferencing technology will do a good job even if you don't have access to a good microphone, but external mics and a pair of headphones won't hurt.

Please have your instrument ready for your lesson. Teachers may supply applicable learning materials in due course, upon determining the best learning journey for you.

Geographically speaking, IDAGIO Academy is available in all locations around the world. We recommend having access to a quiet room with good internet and a comfortable setup where you can focus on your learning.

Are you an established artist & passionate educator? Please answer this short Teaching Artists questionnaire, and we wil get back to you shortly.

If you're a professional musician or at an advanced level, register to be notified of our upcoming PRO option. Registered artists will be invited to apply and audition for lessons with top-tier orchestra members and international soloists.

We offer piano, violin, voice, cello, flute, composition and conducting, with other instruments being introduced in the coming weeks and months. Sign up to our waitlist to be notified if your instrument is not currently offered on IDAGIO Academy.

IDAGIO Academy is open to anyone. To book a lesson with one of our Teaching Artists: 1. visit their profile  2. choose lesson type 3. book a date for your lesson when prompted 5. Connect on the day at the designated time and be ready to learn. If you have any troubles connecting with your artists - email us at

Please contact support at Lukas or Vanda will be there to assist you ASAP.

Contact Us

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