Nathan Courtright

  • Ph.D. in Music Composition
  • Composition, Guitar

I am a composer and music educator based in Dallas, Texas. My music focuses on personal and collective memory. I explore the ways fragments of familiar music or musical objects placed within a disparate musical context can represent the way memories and the emotions attached can suddenly manifest with the smallest of stimuli or triggers in everyday life. Recent projects include pieces for Sō Percussion, TAK Ensemble, and a concerto for the Daedalus Quartet and chamber ensemble. I have a Ph.D in Music Composition from the University of Pennsylvania and have taught at UPenn & Southern Methodist University.

Book Your Lesson Below

Beginner Composition

A 30 minute lesson ideal for someone who is new to written composition or new to music notation in general.
  • EUR €30.00
  • 30 mins

Intermediate & Advanced Composition

Composition Lessons for those with experience writing notated music for performance
  • EUR €55.00
  • 60 mins